Latest Update

December 13, 2021

ISA/TEAN is aware of and closely tracking updates related to the identification of a new COVID-19 variant, Omicron. As this variant was only recently detected, much research is left to be done to understand its transmissibility and the effectiveness of the current vaccines against it. Additional scientific data is expected over the course of the next few weeks and we will provide guidance to our current Fall 2021 and prospective Winter/Spring 2022 students as information becomes available. At this time, we are continuing to support our currently abroad students and all ISA/TEAN Winter/Spring 2022 programs are expected to run as planned. 

We are also closely tracking the initial steps that countries are taking to slow the spread of Omicron until more information is available. Similar to the U.S., many countries have banned incoming travel from eight southern African nations and tightened their incoming testing requirements. A small number of countries, such as Morocco, have placed a two-week freeze on foreign travel. In general, however, across open ISA/TEAN Winter/Spring 2022 program locations, fully vaccinated travelers from the U.S. can still enter. We will communicate any entry requirement changes to our Winter/Spring 2022 program participants so they can be prepared to comply when their program starts.  

All Winter/Spring 2022 students are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to participate on the program. At this time, we are also recommending that all Winter/Spring 2022 students receive their COVID-19 booster shot, if eligible, at least two weeks prior to the start of their program. Students should not plan to receive a booster once abroad. Over the next month, ISA/TEAN will be hosting our mandatory pre-departure Health & Safety orientations for students, during which they will be provided with the most up-to-date information on the COVID-19 restrictions in their host country. We will promptly communicate to students and their home universities any changes to their Winter/Spring program. 


COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions


  • Will ISA still operate programs to destinations categorized as a Level 4 by the U.S. Department of State?

    ISA is aware of and has been tracking closely the State Department's recent adjustments to their Travel Advisories and, at this time, do not anticipate making any alterations to current or future ISA programming as a result.

    ISA monitors messaging from both the CDC and Department of State, however those are just two of the many sources from which we gather information when making decisions about our programming. Other sources of information include, but are not limited to: WHO, ECDC, OSAC, WorldStrides' medical advisors, security providers, ISA's global offices and partners, foreign governments, and many open-source outlets.

    ISA has implemented new mitigation measures at every level of our programs to respond to COVID-19, and we have been successfully running programs during the Spring 2021 semester. ISA will continue to review any new guidance from the Department of State and are closely monitoring developments in this fast-changing environment. Based on Department of State contextual statements regarding the changes and our own assessment of a variety of factors (including the health situation in our program locations), ISA is moving forward with plans for summer and fall programming in select locations.

    • How is ISA making decisions about when and where to support study or experiential learning programs abroad in the near future?

      Our Health & Safety team has been actively monitoring the impact that COVID-19 is having on the countries and communities where we operate programs. In all of our program locations, we have local staff and trusted partners who provide additional information for consideration by our Health & Safety Team. Our “Back-to-Travel” task force continues to meet regularly to evaluate every aspect of our programs in this environment, including adjustments that allow for us to continue to deliver culturally-rich programs with an added focus on hygiene and social distancing. Location-specific guidance paired with more general recommendations for travel, socializing, living, and education environments in the new world is helping us define guidelines that we can follow to help make our future programs as safe as possible.

    • What are some of the factors ISA is considering when looking at programs in 2021 and beyond?

      In assessing where we will operate in the short-term, there are two different types of factors we’re considering. First, we are closely monitoring larger scale factors such as COVID-19 outbreaks; local, state and country reopening plans; entry restrictions; flight availability; and governmental warning levels. To do this, we are constantly reviewing data from sources such as the WHO, CDC, ECDC, DOS, OSAC, WorldStrides' security providers, WorldStrides' global offices and partners, foreign governments, and open source outlets such as Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, to name a few.

      Additionally, we examine program-specific matters that could impact the student experience abroad. These considerations, such as arrival and orientation, student housing, and academic contingency plans are critical to a successful program and among the factors being tracked as we determine where and when we can resume travel. These factors are reevaluated at regular intervals before and during the program.

    • Is ISA restricting certain types of Internship and Service-Learning placements?

      Yes. ISA students will not be placed at healthcare-related organizations at least through Fall 2022. This decision was made as we prioritize the health and safety of both our participants and local populations. Placements impacted may include: health clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, cancer support centers, and senior citizen homes.

      Health-related organizations not treating COVID-19 patients or serving populations vulnerable to COVID-19 will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. While ISA can never guarantee placement within any specific organization, we are asking for even greater flexibility from our participants during this time. Please reach out to the ISA Internships or ISA Service-Learning teams with questions.

    • Will students be required to wear face masks or follow other protocols while abroad?

      We all have a shared responsibility to one another and must do own part to mitigate COVID-19 risks while abroad. For this reason, ISA participants are required to follow all COVID-19 specific rules (e.g., use of face masks, observation of social distancing measures and limitations on gatherings) established by local, state and federal governments, and any rules established by attractions, sites, and service providers (e.g., host universities, housing, airlines, hotels, restaurants, etc.). Additionally, students will have to wear face masks when participating in any ISA-sponsored activity. We encourage students to research their destination prior to travel and understand local guidelines. Prior to arrival, ISA will also advise students with more specific information about their host city and expectations related to COVID-19.

    • Will students need to quarantine once arriving to their program location?

      Potentially. While this could depend on a number of factors, ISA will follow the protocols of the student’s host country and evaluate any additional measures necessary to provide for the health and safety of ISA students, resident staff, host families, and any others that students may come into contact with upon arrival. These regulations can change quickly and your ISA Program Manager will be in contact with you to set expectations for arrival in your new country.

    • What if a student needs to self-isolate while they are abroad?

      Wherever possible, students will be placed in single rooms where they can isolate should they become sick with COVID-19 while abroad. Should a student need to isolate away from their assigned housing, ISA will facilitate housing for that student to utilize. ISA resident staff will continue to be available to advise and support the student to the extent possible. This would include advocating on behalf of the student with their host university and coordinating meals and medical care, if necessary. ISA’s health insurance includes coverage for mental health and students would have the option to speak with a counselor at any point during their program.

    • Will ISA require students to be vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to travel?

      Yes. ISA will be requiring all students to be fully vaccinated in order to participate on programs beginning on or after December 1, 2021. Questions should be directed to the relevant ISA Program Manager.

    • What can I do to stay healthy?

      According to the Centers for Disease Control and other health authorities, you can keep yourself and others healthy by:

      • Comply with special instructions issued by local officials.

      • Adhere to known, effective practices to minimize your chance of catching respiratory infections.

      • Wear a face mask when around others outside of your home.

      • Practice social distancing.

      • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

      • Carry hand sanitizer (60-95% alcohol) and use it for situations where hand washing might not be possible.

      • When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with a tissue or in your elbow.

      • Do not touch any part of your face without first washing your hands.

      • Avoid contact with persons who are already ill.

      • Avoid unnecessary touching of other persons (e.g. shaking hands in greeting) and limit touching publicly-shared surfaces, where possible.


  • How do I choose a program that’s more likely to run?

    In 2021, ISA has hosted students in 16 different countries around the world. Looking ahead to Spring 2022 and beyond, we are optimistic we can return to most all our traditional program locations, but with the understanding that some countries have been slower to reopen to travelers than others. Interested students should review the ISA program pages on our website to confirm if we are currently accepting applications and/or contact their Program Manager for more information.

  • Have any application deadlines or program dates changed?

    We are coordinating with our global partners to confirm program dates and extend deadlines where possible. Dates and deadlines vary by program and are listed on the program pages of the ISA website. Students should plan to have some flexibility with program dates and deadlines as they are subject to changes made by ISA and/or our host institutions. Interested students should check the program information on our website. Applicants can confirm dates and deadlines in the ISA Student Portal and will receive email notifications regarding any date/deadline confirmations or changes.

  • Will a student visa be necessary for travel?

    ISA is tracking entry requirements for all of our program locations. Students should expect to present their proof of vaccination to ISA and, in many cases a negative COVID-19 test prior to travel. Additionally, students may be required to obtain a visa and/or travel with documents proving they are studying abroad. Required documentation and visa advising will be provided by ISA, but it is ultimately the students’ responsibility to meet entry requirements while traveling. The ISA Program Manager will communicate specific entry requirements via email and during the pre-departure orientation.

  • When should I purchase an airline ticket?

    ISA strongly recommends waiting until after the Forms and Payment Deadline before purchasing airfare. Students will be notified once more information is available in their ISA Portal about how to purchase their flight. ISA recommends purchasing direct flights into the host country and avoiding layovers in third countries when possible. Students should consider purchasing trip insurance and/or refundable tickets in case they are unable to travel. Airfare is not included in the ISA program fee, so in the event of a program cancellation or trip interruption, students will need to work directly with their airline on any possible refund. ISA is not able to issue any refunds for airfare changes or cancellations.

  • Will excursions and cultural activities still run as planned?

    ISA has resumed most day and overnight excursions in our program locations. Cultural activities within the host city are still taking place with additional health and safety considerations. If excursions are cancelled, accepted students will be notified and provided a discount off of their program price. Students who attend a U.S. university with a direct bill agreement with ISA should communicate with their home university directly regarding payments and discounts

  • What is the latest date I can withdraw from my program and not be charged?

    Students may withdraw up to the Forms and Payment deadline for their program (found in their Student Portal) without incurring additional costs. Review the ISA cancellation policy for more details.

  • Can I defer my application program to another term without any additional cost?

    Yes! A student who wishes to study abroad for a future term can defer and transfer their application deposit to the new term up until the ISA Forms and Payment due date. If you prefer to defer to a different program or semester, that is also possible. Please let your Program Manager know your preference once you decide. If you need help finding another program, our team can help you!

  • Are there opportunities for virtual or remote courses or internships?

    Yes, ISA has a few different options to choose from! For students interested in professional experience, receive up to 6 credit hours through our Global Remote Internships. ISA is also continuing to offer our Remote Learning program, with different course options available, choosing from 1-5 courses, which includes our virtual discovery model! This is a great option for students who need to take global credit from the comfort of their own home either full or part-time.

  • Does ISA plan to offer all Spring 2022 programs as scheduled?

    ISA continues to monitor worldwide developments of COVID-19 and our Health & Safety team is regularly assessing factors for international travel. Factors include local COVID-19 transmission rates, national and local restrictions, host university contingency plans and campus closures. Due to a variety of reasons including local COVID-19 transmission rates, national and local restrictions, host university contingency plans and campus closures, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the following programs/locations: All Spring 2022 programs have been suspended in these locations: Argentina, the Dominican Republic, and Peru. Additional countries may be added to this list. Please reach out to the Program Manager with any questions about which programs are running for Spring 2022


  • What is the refund policy for any programs that are cancelled after they’ve already started?

    ISA will look at all recoverable costs and will issue a refund of any costs we can recover. If ISA cancels or suspends a program after the start date, there is no guaranteed refund. ISA makes plans and must commit funding for any upfront costs for all types of programs abroad. Where possible, ISA will work closely with our partners abroad to recover any costs such as tuition and fees, housing, excursions, insurance, etc. If your home university suspends travel while you are abroad, the ISA cancellation policy does apply.

  • What is the refund policy for ISA if a student chooses to withdraw from a program?

    Any student who decides to withdraw from a program that is not cancelled should review the ISA cancellation policy.

    To give students more time to make a final decision, we have extended due dates for Spring and Winter programs, where possible. Students can find the their deadlines in their ISA Student Portal or can contact their Program Manager for any updates. In addition, if dates are later extended the Program Manager will be in contact with the students.

  • Will ISA help cover any flight-related costs if a program is cancelled?

    While ISA programs have many inclusions in the program price, airfare is not included in our costs. We recommend all students confirm through their airline, or other applicable agency, to see what insurance coverage or change policies apply in the case travel plans are interrupted due to this pandemic. Even if you purchased through a third-party site, we always recommend calling the airline directly to confirm their policies and see if they can provide any additional flexibility.

  • Will the cost of obtaining a visa be refundable if I'm unable to travel?

    No, if you are unable to attend the program for any reason, the costs associated with obtaining your visa (including transportation, visa fees, and other related expenses) are not included in the ISA program fee and are not eligible for reimbursement.

  • If my program is cancelled before my program start date, will I receive a refund?

    Students will have the option to consider an alternate program, a future program, or a refund of your ISA program fees paid. Review the full ISA cancellation policy for further details.


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